Tuesday 10 July 2012

So here I am after what seems like an age of not blogging! (terrible I know but at least the info is out here for anyone to read if they search for info on IC, which makes me feel a little less guilty).

So whats changed since I last posted? Well...
I have bags more energy, I don't have to keep napping anymore! I actually think I could hold down a full time job now too which was unheard of before.
I have travelled a bit and managed to avoid any flares during that time!
I exercise more.
My diet has changed a bit to include tomato, aubergine and peppers without any problem.
My bladder FEELS normal, most days I am not aware of it at all, theres no sensation of pressure or disomfort.
I've had a coule of flares since I last posted, 2 of which have been in the last 5months, but I've handled them well and I think that my bladder is so much more stable and has been given a chance to heal that I don't actually suffer for too long, also if I do come into contact with any flare foods it is only in the tinyest amount. My flares seem to go like this - I begin feeling dicomfort but like I can't pee, then  I have several hours of agony (buring, a swollen feeling you know the drill) and constant peeing and exhaustion along with feeling freezing cold followed by more exhaustion but warmer temperatures and less pain and much less frequency. By day 2 I'm nearly back to normal. Day 3 I'm fine again.

I still take probiotics, I still follow pretty much the same diet (maybe a bit more sugar in it now), I barely ever drink alcohol but if I do I stick to rum (made with sugar cane) and orange juice or wine. I don't use condoms or the pill. I am still using all natural body products. I use Uva Ursi (Vogals brand tincture) if I get a UTI, but its been months since the last time I had to do that.

I am still achieving all of this without the help of a urologist or doctor, I don't take any medical drugs, I've never had a cystoscopy and I remain positive that things can only get better. Having said that I do not rule out the possibility of seeking help from a uro again in the future should my IC symptoms become very much worse and none of the things I have done in the past or continue to do make any improvements.

Thats all from me now folks,

little_ducks xx


  1. My wife has an overactive bladder and shes eating more veges, legumes and grains. I've heard spicy, alcohol and caffeinated foods are to be avoided. It's a relief that you're feeling fine these days. My wife has had bad days so a uro consult is likely to happen days from now. Btw, I was wondering if you have any idea about mesh lawsuit? I've seen it on TV.

  2. Hi,

    What probiotics are you taking? Thanks!


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