Thursday, 28 April 2011

Just a quick one...

Hi all,
Just posting to say that the come dine with me wedding special this friday at 8pm on channel 4 has a contestant with IC on it :) and she has also been featured in her local paper, here is a link to the article  not sure if it will work, if not then go to the yorkshire post website and look under the health and famiy section at the bottom of the main page - it's the 2nd article down.  I am megga chuffed that a bit of exposure in the media is going on. I will definitely be watching the come dine with me special on friday!
I have changed a few things about the appearance of the blog, very happy to see that I have had nearly 300 views, I know not all of them will be readers but its a good number for a blog in the making.
I promise to post a long post soon with some info on my IC history and how I made the decisions I have made regarding which treatments to persue and how exactly these choices have helped me.
little_ducks x

Sunday, 24 April 2011

a few things...

Dear All,

I have a few things I want to put out there quickly this morning...some I have been requested to discuss others I felt I should discuss, so here goes:

Water I cannot stress enough how important it is to get 2litres of water a day. And more importantly bottled or filtered tap water are the best, especially if you live in an area where the water is full of chemicals (say London for example - thats where I am). I filter most of my water and have a small amount of bottled water. When searching for a bottled water the pH is a good way of deciding whether that water will suit you. A pH of 7 or higher is better than say a 5 or 6.

Contraception When I stopped using condoms because they were aggravating my urethra and bladder I had a copper coil fitted, this did not suit me one bit, it was in for 6months and I was having terrible abdominal pain and monthly vaginal thrush, I was told I had PID without any proper tests, given a ton of antibiotics but later my gynaecologist told me I didn't have PID and found everything to be fine on the internal scan. However I felt that the problems hadn't been there until my coil was fitted, so I asked to have it removed - the nasty thing had been corroding inside me and the gynae was shocked at how corroded it looked. After that I started using the pill Yasmin, however this did not suit me either, I was losing weight unable to put any on, I was miserable, I felt weak, disinterested in life etc etc etc. Some people say that hormonal contraception promotes yeast problems, regardless of whether this is true I had never really wanted to go on the pill I always felt wary of messing about with hormones, I started taking it as a last resort. After 2 months I was feeling dreadful and my bladder was playing up badly just before my period so I decided to come off it. I later found out that that particular pill was also a diuretic - no good if you have a bladder problem.
I have not attempted to use any other pills (before major problems I tried Marvellon but it made me blow up like a balloon and I was nauseous most of the time), nor have I found a brand of condom which suits me, for a little while latex free trojan were ok as long as I used plenty of coconut oil as a lubricant but I started reacting to them as well. I am now using the withdrawal method and starting to research the rhythm method. Many reading this will think it is madness which is exactly what I would have thought before this experience. But I am trying the best I can to manage on what I've got, its been 2 months and so far all is well. I really have tried so many things and for a time my boyfriend said he wouldn't mind not having sex at all because of all the pain from the condoms and my reaction to the pill etc but I love him and I want that important part of our relationship to be possible. I know the risks and I know that if I did get pregnant then I wouldn't want to have an abortion even though at this stage in my life it wouldn't be ideal to become a mum. However much research shows that the withdrawal method if performed correctly is only 2% less effective than condoms. This is a risk I am willing to take.

And finally...
I am going to see  a female physio, they are usually for people who have just had babies or have incontinence (I've had neither), but I have worked out recently since I've been feeling better that when my pelvic floor muscles are too tight then my bladder starts to hurt, often after strenuous exercise or during a stressful situation. Actively relaxing the muscles helps but I am hoping that the physio will be able to get to the bottom of the situation and perhaps give me exercises/treatment which will reverse this issue/help ease it off. I am really excited about this because I think it could make a world of a difference.

I have alot more to say and will probably make a post soon about the story behind my bladder problems so a better perspective on where I have come from and where I'm at now, how I got there etc can be achieved.

I'm trying to sort out how to make it so that people can email me also, as I think that might be good for a bit of two way communication. I had a lovely comment on my last post from someone (I think in America) who I'd love to personally email a reply to, so I'm gonna look into that and see if theres a tool.

little_ducks x

Thursday, 21 April 2011

I am on the mend

Its been a while since I posted, I am currently doing a degree so don't have much internet time on my hands (unless it revolves around Shakespeare or Linton Kwesi Johnson). Anyhow, I recieved an email from my fellow ICer (who we shall call B), B was very upset because she recently went onto the forum where we both met and found it has now turned into an overly controlled and unrealistic environment which moreso than ever focusses on the medical profession as the answer to our problems....this is not so!

Like myself  B has found that various lifestyle and dietary changes have made the WORLD of difference. I don't know about her but I am now 100% pain free most days, I get the occasional bout of 25% pain (usually lasting a few hours or less), the odd day of 4% pain and a few niggles now and then. This is a massive difference compared to my months of daily pain at about 75% and bad days of 90-100%. I haven't cried on the toilet for about 3months. In this time I have had no days in bed nursing my poor bladder unable to face the day, no days going to the loo every 10mins, no days where my bladder feels like its on fire. I can do things like go for long walks/run/swim/cycle without any pain, sometimes if I push myself too far then my pelvic floor muscles tense up and I get some twinges but relaxation soon helps that to subside.

I feel like a new person.

If I were to list all of the things I have tried to help myself in this situation I would be here for hours. But here are a list of things which have helped me tremendously...
  1. Taking my diet right back to basics - brown rice, eggs, meat, green veggies, water, peppermint tea (I did 2 months of that and have gradually started introducing things back, starting with vegtables one at a time, totally avoding any kind of processed foods or additives)
  2. Drinking 1/4 of a teaspoon of bicarb when in pain
  3. Probiotics (Natren 2x daily)
  4. 2litres of water per day
  5. Castor Oil Packs
  6. Changing ALL body products to ones with 100% natural ingredients (including sanitary towels, deodorant, soap, shampoo, moisturiser etc)
  7. Bowen Therapy
  8. Homeopathy (Histamine 30c, Causticum 30c)
  9. Coconut water
  10. Stopping taking the pill, stopping using condoms of all sorts (I had tried in the region of 50 different brands and all of them set my bladder off)
  11. Relaxing my pelvic floor muscles conciously, deep breathing focussed relaxation
  12. The Better Bladder Book by Wendy Cohan
  13. Writing poetry
  14. Talking to others going through similar things - this has helped me BEYOND all else, without the support and kindness of various people I have spoken with I would not be at the stage I am at now, there are people out there who unknowingly have given me the determination and strength to say 'I can get well, and I WILL get well.'
Its been a hard part of my life, and just over a year of suffering occured before I could get to the stage I am now at. But the thruth is there ARE ways you can help yourself, which may cost slightly more money (like natural hair and body care) but I can tell you its well worth that small extra cost if it gives you your life back and helps your poor sore bladder to heal.

Take Care
little_ducks x